The RCEP and Beyond: Multidisciplinary Perspective session 2 (24 January 2021) and session no 3 (19 April 2021)

The Sir Dr. Naim Dangoor Centre for Universal Monotheism

Sunday January 24, 2021
Time: 11:00 (AM) GMT+3

The Regional Comprehensive Economic
Partnership (“RCEP”) agreement
concluded between 15 Asian countries
is a significant milestone for future
trade, investment and commerce. In
a conference series hosting expert
commentators from the various member
countries, we provide multidisciplinary
perspectives on the RCEP.
Join us via zoom: ▶ ▶ ▶
webinar id: 99894227434
code: 458332

The Sir Dr. Naim Dangoor Centre for Universal Monotheism
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