Upcoming Book: What can the West learn from the East?: Readings on the weakness of human judgment

The Sir Dr. Naim Dangoor Centre for Universal Monotheism

Jessica S. Mintz

In his captivating interreligious reflection, Rabbi Professor Daniel Sperber takes readers on an extraordinary intellectual and spiritual journey, weaving together a rich tapestry of texts from scholars, religious figures, and writers. With deep insight, he explores the profound meanings and lessons within the expertly selected works, introducing readers to diverse perspectives from across different religions and traditions. By uncovering commonalities between these different Eastern traditions and offering alternative perspectives for Western thought, he invites readers to expand their understanding of the world and their own worldviews.

At a time when political, cultural, and ideological divisions seem to be widening, this book, published under the “Interpretation of Cross-Cultures” Dangoor Centre Series, serves as a much-needed reminder of the shared wisdom found across human traditions. Sperber’s detailed and comprehensive source analysis is brought to life through stories and lessons from his fascinating and numerous travels through the East spanning over half a century, and the religions, cultures, and peoples he encountered along the way.

What can the West learn from the East is masterfully organized into sections that explore Hinduism, Jainism, Sikhism, Indian Buddhism, Chinese thought, Japanese thought, Judaism, Mystic Islam, and more. Through these explorations, Sperber examines evidence of tolerance and intolerance among different religions and traditions throughout time, as well as the concept of “truth” and its multitude of interpretations. In an era of growing polarization, he makes the case for why the Western world can benefit from a deeper engagement with the East, demonstrating the value in examining and learning from the wisdom these traditions offer. His hope is to bridge the gap between the East and the West, and promote a spirit of understanding and tolerance between all people.

Rabbi Professor Daniel Sperber is a renowned scholar, historian, and spiritual leader based in the Old City of Jerusalem. An expert in Jewish law, culture, and history, he has authored numerous works on Talmudic studies, comparative religion, and cultural anthropology. A recipient of the prestigious Israel Prize, Sperber is also celebrated for his deep engagement with interfaith dialogue and his commitment to bridging cultural and spiritual divides.

Photo by John Thomas on Unsplash

The Sir Dr. Naim Dangoor Centre for Universal Monotheism
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